Skills Programmes

Our Funded Programmes

Skills Programmes

Skills programmes supported by NSF comprise part qualifications at community education and training (CET) colleges as well as non-profit and community-based organisations.

Towards massifying skills provision, in 2021, the NSF launched its inaugural funding window focused on the capacity building for CET colleges. NSF committed funding towards the CET college funding intended to benefit approximately 3 000 out-of-school youth and adults who require various forms of skilling. The targeted beneficiaries include those to upgrade their education and basic qualifications and pursue second chance learning, non-formal programmes and skills programmes to contribute to different forms of livelihood.

With a focus on designated groups, NSF is funding programmes that demonstrate the promotion of employment opportunities and career advancement for differently abled in the labour market. The purpose of NSF’s Disability Request for Proposal (RFP) is to enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical education and training, placement services, occupational and vocational training programmes. Supported programmes are also designed to help them finding, obtaining, maintaining or returning to employment. Supported programmes within the NSF Disability RFP include learnerships, skills programmes both credit and non- credit bearing. 

Artisanal short skills programmes are also funded by NSF, although on a limited scale. Funded artisanal short courses are those designed to provide functional/technical skills to beneficiaries. The skills programmes must be unit standard aligned, with specific emphasis on preparing and supporting the learner to earn a living in their respective communities and to be implemented over a period not exceeding six months. The programmes should also provide the learner with practical skills training. Lastly, the skills programmes should be aligned to the local and provincial integrated development in the area targeted for training.  

NSF also supports business enterprise skills for relevant business development programmes. This should be unit standard aligned per the new venture creation or related unit standard-based programme. A flexible methodology is supported with an interactive and hands-on approach to facilitated learning. This should include business incubation for a minimum period of six months.

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