Unemployed youth benefit in technology-related skills programme

The South African Digital Content Organisation (SADICO) was approved R2,3 million funding by the National Skills Fund (NSF) to roll out the Youth Digital Technology Industry Development Project, which involves training 100 unemployed youth in technology-related skills programmes.

The project aims to empower the youth to be active and independent participants in the digital technology industry, where they create their own jobs and determine their own growth in the industry. It focusses on elements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, linked to opportunities in areas such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, three-dimensional (3D) printing, nanotechnology, autonomous vehicles, as well as cyber security and cryptocurrency.

The objective of the project is to ensure that beneficiaries establish co-operatives or small enterprises to service their own communities with basic digital technology solutions. This includes opportunities in operational business systems such as cell phone repairs.

Lerato Alinah Rasephei, with a National Diploma in Travel and Tourism, was working as a cashier at Pick n Pay before signing up for the SADICO programme.

“When I heard about the programme, I was interested in digital technology because it is the future and it improves our lives in a huge way. Mostly everything nowadays uses digital technology”, said the 30-year-old from Isivana Section in Tembisa. “Through the programme, I have learnt that there is a lot we can do with a computer such as creating websites and business profiles. I can now also install DSTV and fix cell phones. Without this programme, I would still be working at Pick n Pay but now I can dream about owning a digital company and even creating my own type of phones”.

Philani Simphiwe (21) from Emangweni Section in Tembisa, was in his second year working towards his LLB degree with the University of South Africa (Unisa) before registering for the SADICO programme.

“I have always had a passion for the world of technology and IT in general. During my spare time away from books, I would search about how technology is impacting our lives of today. SADICO has played huge role in giving me exposure to web development and design, cell phone repairs, solar installation and demonstration, computer building, RICA agent services, DSTV installations, and importantly, the journey of becoming entrepreneur. I really value this SADICO technology project, together with NSF, for training the youth of South Africa because a lot of young people out there who are willing to do anything to have this opportunity”.

SADICO was approved funding for 12 months from November 2018. The learners were recruited from Tembisa, Katlehong and Tsakane or Duduza in Gauteng.

This article was published in the NSF 2018/19 Annual Report

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